Paras's IB Psychology

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"What I Think About Freud And Little Hans"

After reading the case study of "little Hans" I was very im pressed and amazed of how Freud came up with those interpretations. And how he linked Hans sexual desires with his mother to the phobia of white horses. I can only imagine of the critisim Freud got from making this case study at that time period. He made very bold and statements about how children think and feel about their mothers at that age. His ideas were very much against what the society believed. I think that Hans would have naturally lose his phobia with horses as he grew up and understood the world better. Especially understanding that girls have no "widdlers" and where baby's actually come from. He would also realize that having sexual desires for his own mother and is very wrong and abnormal and as he would grow up would understand it will most probably repress his feelings and might cause problems later on in his life.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Vienna In The 19th Century

Vienna was a very beautiful country whit rich culture and successful government. The city is full with great art and architecture. Freud did preferred living in his hometown more than Vienna. This maybe because the governor was anti-Semitic, and so was the city of Vienna. Freud had many problems because he was Jewish himself. This may also be the reason why Freud ideas were so negative. Even though the city was very rich and beautiful there was still a very large gap between he rich and the poor, the rich were rich because of the poor. Vienna was also the first city for psychoanalysis to take place, and this was great influenced by Freud and the WWI.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Best of the Century

Psychotherapy has evolved greatly over time with the advancement of new technology, research and studies. In the early 19th century psychotherapy was restricted to the rich, but now it is open to everyone. Psychotherapy is now more available to the public than it was a century ago. Millions of people now attend psychotherapy sessions, which allows a person to go to workshops, seminars, or individual sessions with a therapist. There is also a larger variety of ways of getting treatment. For example by using books, cassettes, and computer assisted materials. Case studies was the main type of treatment in the 19th century, and most of the times get no progress. But the times have changed; people don’t have to pay a lot of money or need to have any mental problems to get some kind of therapy. Now you don’t even need a therapist to get some help because it has evolved to be distributed in to different media. You can now use the modern technology to help a person out. There are also workshops in most parts of the world where we can attend. Therapists are also more educated and have the knowledge to understand the background culture of their clients. In the past therapist were forced to believe in only one method however, they can now combine or create their own methods of treating their clients. Along the years they have been many advancements and breakthroughs in psychology. In this article twenty breakthroughs were described, and here are the five that I find are most important.

A breakthrough that I found that is important was by Jean Piaget. I feel that this breakthrough is important because it shows that we now have a better understanding of children. And when they are children if we understand them better and not just assume that they know the simple easy things. We can teach them and make them a better and smarter person once they grow up. The example of a tall thin glass of milk and a child will look at it and see there is a lot of milk, but once put into a bowl the child will think that some milk has disappeared. And this can be related into many situations where a child doesn’t understand but the adults assume they do. This breakthrough also shows that the mind develops in stages and understands things and different

levels. Once we understand this psychotherapist can give treatment at different levels that will suit the client’s age to get more effective results.

A breakthrough by Matina Homer helped understand why men are more successful than women in society. Matina conducted an experiment that shows that males do better in a competitive situation than women do. In the experiment, both the male and female were given the same test to do but in different rooms. The second time they were given the same test to do but this time they were both in the same room. In the first test the male did poorly, however when the male was put into a competitive situation he did better than the female. This shows why males are usually leaders and that they perform better under pressure.

Another breakthrough that I found important was by Harry F. Harlow. His breakthrough was that when a child is nurtured by the mother it is more effective than if it was a father. Harry also says that it effects the emotionally and it academic performances. he conducted an experiment with monkey’s and proved his theory. Many people do find it offensive that humans are compared to as monkeys, but I agree with him.

The breakthrough by Hans Selye made was introducing stress to the world. He was the first researcher to discover psychological stress and how to cope with it. As we have been taught that stress is bad thing and that it can lead to harmful diseases, but Hans says that stress is not such a bad thing. He says that some people might be better off being busy and having something to do. Because if a person who usually has something to do is put into and environment where he is “stress-free” they might even be more stressed out than they usually are. This shows that everyone deals with stress in different ways and the important things is for us to learn how we need to deal with it.

The last breakthrough is the most important one from me and this was discovered by Erik Erikson. Erik said that intellectual and emotional development happens throughout ones life time. I totally agree with him, even though we reach a certain age one we have developed I still believe that we can still change to adapt to new surroundings or situations.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


today in class we were given a survey to do and it shows our views on what we believe on the three major topics in psychology. Irrational vs rational, change vs stability, nurture and nature. We were first asked to see what we believe in and what we think is more important. And once I did the survey it just proved that what I believed was the same where as other peoples survey came out different to what their view were on the topics. Out of 25 I got 17 for rationality, 7 for change and 5 for nurture. The results from my survey are exactly to what I believed. It also realized that other people didn't get the results they expected. Maybe what their sub conscience believes is different from what they themselves believe in.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Why do we do the things that we do??!!

there are just so many answers to this question that in the end there is no correct answer. No one actually knows why we do the things we do. Why do get frustrated over small little things? Why do we talk and act the way we do? Is it because of the experiences we have faced or is it just our nature to do the things we do. Everyone is unique, we are all different, and we all do different things. The things we do might be because of the way we are brought up by our parents or the environment we grew up in. It also just maybe our human instinct for survival and we just adapt to fit into to our surroundings. Then there also may be our sub conscience telling us what to do and we don't realize it. Another factor also may be our culture and religion. As Mr Anthony gave an example in class that there were 2 people from different countries (don't remember exactly from where)and both of them had a different distance in which they usually had a conversation. One liked to have it close and the other abit distance away. So one would move closer and the would just keep moving further away. So that shows that people from different cultures are comfortable about deferment things. I also believe that most human beings are selfish and they do the things they do to benefit themselves either directly or indirectly.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Well first of all, when we had to chose our subjects I had no intentions of taking this subject. I was taking econ HL but because of schedule problems I was forced to take the subject. After talking to the counselors the subjectinterested me and I knew even though its not going to help me become a better engineer the subject will help me deal with life and the problems that I will surely face. Overtime, I became more interested in the subject and since I play a lot of tennis I thought that it would help me become a better tennis player. This is because tennis is 90% mental game. and since i will have a better understanding of my mind i will be able to control my emotions and not get angry of frustrated while playing tennis. Psychology will also help any one of us become a better person because we will have a better understanding on why we do the things we do, and maybe have a chance to control some of the bad things. I am still not sure weather I will be able to coupe with the HL standard but I will try best and looking forward to a great 2 years in studying psychology.